Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

Cc @Juhniallio cc @Fagan_ODowd @estebandaface

This clears it up. Great call by the linesman to spot this clear off side.

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He’s not in it.
He appears from an on side position.

Lads watching Ferguson’s henchmen in black preside over years of corruption, as confirmed by Mark Clattenburg, getting all het up over a cup tie :smiley:

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The linesman has a better view than you and he called it.

There’s nfl on?

Anyway thanks to TUM fir filling me in. If technology doesn’t have enough footage/ an angle to overturn an onfield decision then you go with the onfield decision… All pro sports abide by that very simple common sense approach.

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He’s running directly at the ball not from the byeline

Before my time but reminiscent of the first few months of the 1985/86 season when there was no footage of anything on TV from the English First Division. You just have to imagine Matheus Nunes position after the corner.

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Ha ha. You must have been a whizz at Spot the Ball.


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Same applied in rugby when I caught a bit of a Leicester v Gloucester match over Christmas. There was no clear evidence from the TMO that the Gloucester man’s boot was out of play so they had to award the try.

Wolves (A) will be a very tough replay. They knocked us out in the 3rd round in 2019.

Sure it’ll keep the Liverpool fans out of harms way for another few weeks.

These things tend to even themselves out

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Is this going to extra time?


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Hendo > Scholes.

Good to see someone talking sense on the matter.

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he looks like the perfect example of a “fan” that would go to Klanfield

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Fuckin hell

Hard to argue with Craig there. Jordan Henderson is a leader of men. Scholes has a weird fetish for his daughter’s toes. QED



not surprising he caught a few massive red trout…

Weird Fish Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Cc @anon67715551


they only start him against the diddy teams.