Liverpool Football Club 2022/23

Fuck him.

We kick who we want…

@Fran has the butt sniffers chasing their tails here :clap:

I was otherwise engaged today. Another brutal result. Tackle looked bad. Possibly a red? Fabinho is done I fear. Klopp has started phasing him out playing a 14-year-old in midfield. The man is crying out for a few CMs.

This has been the worst season of Klopp’s tenure by a stretch. I’ve every faith in him to rebuild the team.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: how many Irish regulars dont support a club outside Ireland?

not that type of player… no red here either obviously.

Your talking to a Glasgow Celtic and Perth Dingos fan.


that won’t be enough to calm matters… this is going to get nasty

The double standards of lads applauding that Hannibal Lecter fella kicking lads for the sake of but vilifying The Lighthouse for a mistake. Bad tackles happen, it wasn’t premeditated. I’m sure he’d admit it was a bad one and learn from it. As long as Ferguson isn’t badly injured that’s the most important thing.

Ferguson could be out for the French and Greece games now

Yeah no irony there at all!

He was applauded for kicking Liverpool players not because people think it’s appropriate to kick players

And the cunt liking posts of a lad with an American football helmet on his avatar :rofl: I hope this place never changes

Supposed Irish football men putting a club in liverpool ahead of Irish football.

Shaw had them right alright

Put an Irishman on the spit and you can always get another Irishman to turn him.

how are Fabinho’s legs gone at 29? Keita can’t stay fit, Thiago is always out. Melo hasn’t been fit since he got there. Henderson is 32 going on 40.

The best thing this Bajectic or whatever his name is can do is get away from Klopp. His methods must be very attritional.


Ferguson is a bum.

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The best irish footballer of the last 30 years was brutally assaulted in an attempt to finish his career

“Possibly a red”


None of those teams exist mate

You hadn’t heard of him till a week ago ffs :smiley:

TAOE strikes again

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Calm down girls! Enough of the pillow fighting