Liverpool Football Club 2022/23


this is not a good look for the tfk liverpool contigent.

as is in the clubs dna they seem to be somehow blaming Evan Ferguson for this…

horrible club. Horrible fans


Doesn’t matter, kick any Liverpool player and they’ll celebrate. The ultimate footixery

Expand on that there?

mate you’re turning on a young Irish player to support a Brazilian player who plays in England. It literally doesn’t get more footix

no. the trail is there. you called me a sad cunt for “trawling the internet” a while ago… you’re very aggressive

I’m sorry, did I upset you

apology accepted. Check yourself in future

Go fuck yourself in future

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It was Ferguson’s fault for having his foot there. #always the victims.

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wow… it doesn’t take much boy…

horrible, horrible club with a horrible fanbase

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Lads spending four hours having a go at Liverpool because an Irish professional footballer got injured by a yellow card worthy mistimed tackle.

Classic tfk.


Yes, I’m beside myself with rage here

No. Fab did him goodo. Brilliant to see… more please.

And we all thought @Fran was bland….


He has the horn for me


Not only is the expert on everything, he also has notions

Fuck you too


ok Fran… i’m going to walk away from this little tête-à-tête before you let yourself down. Have a nice conference championship night