Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

Don’t take it so seriously mate. I presume from your username you’re 48 years old so maybe it’s time to stop being so sensitive


So the most successful English club in history who are currently top of the table, have a huge deep squad worth 100s of millions and one of the best managers in the world win a match against an absolute shit show of a club currently sitting 11th in the league and it’s painted as some incredible fairy tale.


Yes, thats a real tragedy alright

Great put down mate! Keep on looking for the pats on the head there :+1:

Gav Baz and his Southampton team mates visit Kev Kelleher and Klopps kids at Anfield Wednesday night. The current Irish no.1 and no.2 playing in the most Irish city in the world :clap:

They will be, it’s great you recognise that. I refer to exhibit A previously posted -

We fly where we want.

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Lads, me man thinks this is real :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Well done Tadhg all the same :clap:

A beautiful summation of Sundays events. The good guys win.

So good to see how the League Cup has been reclaimed by Jose, Pep and Jurgen. ferguson truly was a despicable being.

Guardiola on Carabao Cup: "I still remember when I arrived at City, Brian Kidd told me: Carabao Cup, don’t pay attention! Play young players, nobody cares… Sir Alex Ferguson was always, eugh it doesn’t matter”.

“Phwoar, I don’t know what happened in the last years!”.

‘me man’ :roll_eyes: would you ever fuck off with yourself :grinning:

Here you go bucko

Hang it in the Louvre

They made the people happy.

More like they make the people content.

Errrah Shur you have dopes our there who swallow everything they see :wink:

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Sunday really meant more

1: Liverpool (68 trophies)

2: Man United (67)

3: Arsenal (49)

4: Chelsea (34)

5: Man City (34)

6: Tottenham (26)

7: Aston Villa (25)

8: Everton (24)

9: Newcastle (13)

10: Nottingham Forest (13)


Liverpool have brought on a lad so young he’s younger than Luke Litler.

Did Gomez play centre mid?