Footix of the Day

@Gman is in his late 50s & he is rattling off top trump stats left right & centre


About a minute later than I expected.

Where were you yesterday pal? You would have had a field day with the footixes

edit: and late 50s? You fucking prick :hot_face:

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Killiney hill mate

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Another win for the Top Reds.

Congratulations @Gman.

We’ve conquered all of TFK, we’re never going to stop :musical_note::musical_note:


@maurice_brown supports one of the richest clubs in the world,


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As i was typing i remembered you were a LOI fan so it wad a half hearted effort

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You will get the slaps in tallaght

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I’ll bring the hurley :smile:

Sky Sports narrative alert

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This type of stuff is absolutely peak footix for me. Almost always Liverpool fans. They GENUINELY think they are ‘better fans’ than man united fans and have a GENUINE sense of pride about it.


Paul howard is an unfunny wanker


When I first noticed Paul Howard on Twitter, I thought he was acting like that for the laugh. You know, he’s written Ross O’Carroll-Kelly, he’s taking the piss here too. But I soon realised he was not.


Good one mate :joy:



cc @farmerinthecity

They do. Cunt fans are generally deluded cunts.

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