Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

When finishing 5th is deemed a success it’s easy be happy.

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Darwin has the pyjama boys absolutely seething :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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In fairness, who could blame them after missing out on the darwin party. Hes evoluntionary

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy on the wrong side of history again

Easy be positive when expectations are so low. Klopp took over a midtable team and with minimal spend has won the lot.

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He’ll be along with a reference to Heysel any minute now for a bit of sickening point scoring.

A man of the people

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Similar to Shanks
Big Darwin just wants to make the people happy

Weird take mate. You bring up Heysel for a bit of craic and a ‘gotcha’ for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ? Very respectful. I’d nearly forgotten about Heysel there. Yep its pretty sick the fans of liverpool continually try to persuade the world that they are a great family club despite blanking juventus and the 39 families they devastated for years. Or bring it up to take the piss out of an ecowarrior. Gaslighting the world to a sickening extreme.

Wow, the Berlingo screeched in here pretty quickly and started circling.

You’ve mentioned it a number of times over the years so good to hear you’ve moved on from bringing it up.

Jesus lads.
1 Liverpool fans bring up Heysel for a laugh/to attack a poster.
2- Our van-driving hero calls them out on it 2 hours later cc
3- Liverpool fans attack that poster immediately. As a crowd. Or a mob. Nothing ever changes…

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let me guess this straight, LFC fans caused Heysel & now out of nowhere the footix are bringing up Heysel to point score against normal football fans?

Absolutely not.

Yes mate. That’s it.

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Feel free to explain how this isnt a weird point scoring /sickening bit of craic? Not a mention of Heysel in weeks or months here (and 38 very quiet years from LFC itself) and yet you decide to use it to have a pop …

I’ve regularly mentioned Heysel here. Not the 30-40 times that @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has over the years mind you, which regularly feature responses of ‘Heysel?’ to detract from other issues. Certainly no intention for point scoring or anything from my side.


You’re getting desperate now

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When he calls @myboyblue a Liverpool fan, you’d be getting worried.

Me and MBB as a mob isn’t exactly fearsome

very odd