Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

You taking the piss? Him and his mates are known for kicking lads in the head while on the ground outside a chipper in a fight they werent even in ffssake.

What happens in Portlaoise stays in Portlaoise

All joking aside, why would you bring it up to abuse @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ?

you know, i make a quip about him turning up early for games & he responds days later by bringing up the mass killings of football fans

very proportional & not weird at all

I didn’t mean it as abuse, and if deemed as so, I would apologise to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

I brought it up as a preemptive comment as I was expecting the ‘Heysel?’ response from TSG which would have been followed by the usual mob of butt sniffers piling in.

But, you know what? Maybe you’re right. He hasn’t mentioned it since last May (yes, I just searched) so perhaps @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has really matured as a poster and that’s quite admirable.


Don’t worry pal. I like to get to grounds early. It doesn’t bother me

I’d imagine a Rovers fan in sailing gear would want to get into and out of Tallaght as quickly as possible


Grown men arguing over foreign soccer franchises? Very

You’re a very nasty cunt for making those sort of assertions about me. Very nasty. You’re lucky we’re not on Clare Hurlers.

Gas aul cunts.

Look fella. We all know who the nasty cunt here is. Whether it’s rejoicing in a fella getting sent off for assault, rejoicing in a Dub player getting stabbed, abusing a fella for being adopted or following fellas round on here trying to rise them or bully them. That’s not to mention your general behaviour or championing of that right wing Laois Gemma. And many, many many other forgotten acts.
Ever since i reminded you that you decided to repeatedly abuse a fella for being adopted you’ve followed me round on here either liking every post or throwing in a ‘nasty post’ remark. That’s fine. Just dont be surprised when you’re pulled up for being a cunt every now and then. Slàn.

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Chief, are you ok? Thats a lot of hate to carry in your heart?

Good man. Deflect away. Everybody knows a psycho in their town worth avoiding. Well a lad who loves it when a fella gets stabbed is that sort of guy. That’s you on here. I’ll be doing that from now on.

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You seem to take this very seriously, have you a dossier on everyone, or an I special to you?

Dom is proving to be a sensational signing. A tremendously stylish footballer.


I can’t get over how good he is.

The lads coming out from behind the couch again


Has it all

We’ve been firmly in front of the couch this season. We’re class.

Beautiful goal. Diogo is back too