Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

More intetest on the spurs thread

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Fair play, great day for them. They could dance their way to the title


Fair play to Spurs, great day for them

I didn’t see it, I was at my daughters birthday party in the cinema. Read a bit about it after and the unanimous consensus seems to be that Liverpool had some very dubious decisions against them. These things seem to even themselves out of the course of the season though so we should have a lot of decisions coming our way soon.

What did you see


Teenage mutant ninja turtles


Heroes in a half shell

Turtle Power!

I love you man

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I went to see the new paw patrol movie yesterday. My first time in the cinema since the first paw patrol movie.
Have to say I thought the first one was much better. Sequels rarely live up to the hype I guess


:thinking: Was it the plot? The casting? Or the score?

The plot was a bit far fetched for me.

Giving the talking crime fighting puppy’s super powers was just a step too far

Curtis Jones’s tackle was a stone wall red yesterday.

Over the top of the ball and could have done serious damage to Bissouma.


Sad to see you indoctrinating your kids with classist authoritarian propaganda.

Gary Neville reckoned it was only a yellow. Andros Townsend said he wouldn’t have given a red but by the letter of law it probably was.

Footix being overly deferrential to gary neville


Don’t let it bother you.

So it was definitely a red then.

An anti-Tory, anti-monarchy club is always going to get shafted by the establishment. YNWA