Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

The audio is fairly damning for the participants. Hard to see how England can ever be involved in a Liverpool game again.

Liverpoolā€™s stand should mean other clubs benefit from a better process.

Great night lads

Addressed eloquently in Friday Night Lights

That gambling cancer has its dirty finger prints all over that shit show of a setup.

Clear as fucking day


Crikey, those three clowns in the VAR booth couldnā€™t run a McDonaldā€™s drive through. Itā€™d be like a lucky dip.
Two seem completely incompetent. They all have the arrogance of the stupid, and one seems well dodgy.

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ah jaysus, is this what youre reduced to now


Liverpool trying to get Simon Jordan canceled now I see

Shows you Carrollā€™s level. Knew he wasnā€™t good enough.

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Is he still playing? An injury prone has-been with a history of hitting women. Ticks a lot of boxes for united.


Coach Klopp is the best of us.

Will barely drop a point between here and Christmas I feel. The man has his mojo back this season big time.


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No wonder heā€™s such a loser with this mentality.

Liverpools new football consultant

Any clarification from Klopp as to whether heā€™s calling for the 2019 European Cup final to be replayed as well?

Smokescreen expert offers opinion


Are we forgetting that Divock Origi scored a second there to put clear daylight between the two teams?

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Somebody could have been killed after Liverpool and klopps statement when they tried to claim it was collusion On Saturday.

Now klopp is telling everyone three days later to relax because of the breaking news it was actual just bog standard human error.

Iā€™d heard Ralphael hogenstein say recently klopp is a huge fan of the pound and is willing to anything if the price is right.