Liverpool Football Club 2023/24

How did Kelliher go in goals

How did the keeper with the worsr stats in the epl last season go?

As expected

At seasons end it will be looked back on as a turning point

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Wasn’t at blame for any of the goals pal.

Was Bazunu playing tonight?

A goalie has no blame for a goal? Fucking hell, I hate goalies

The third one definitely.

What’s a horrible nasty cunt this man is.


Genuine question.

What about that makes him a horrible nasty Cunt pal?

His snarky head would remind you of old whiskey nose himself eh?

Compare that to ange or ancellotti

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Kelleher had worse stats

The day a Red Devils fan likes a Liverpool manager is about the day he needs sacking.

If I were you I’d hate him too after the humiliations he’s dished out to the Red Devils


you think thats horrible nasty cunt but you think bruno should be the yanited captain :smiley:

That reminds me of two things.

  1. Fergie being all pally with Roy Hodgson. Didn’t have the cut of the exchanges with Rafa at all. Roy was doomed after that.

  2. Fergie saying that Liverpool should sell their best player Luis Suarez. You can guarantee if the shoe had been on the other foot or it had been Stewart Downing embroiled in controversy then he’d have been singing a different tune.

Fergie only likes people who don’t challenge him and go with his flow .

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You were happy to back a racist?


I see the kidnapping ordeal in Colombia has come to an end. It’s a positive outcome as well.


A nasty piece of work

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The question he posed wasn’t even remotely interesting either.