Living in a Police State means

It’s Friday evening. Get the fuck out!!!


I’m still in work.

Well I got in the weekly call to the auld one there.

I’m also heading for a pint soon.

Balmy evening in Dublin and the sky is a funny colour.

Was there a tactical nuclear weapon strike somewhere in the East.

Is the tax payer footing this bill for Garda overtime and supermacs down the quays?
This vanity convention has nothing to do with Ireland

[quote=“Special Olympiakos, post: 913321, member: 366”]Is the tax payer footing this bill for Garda overtime and supermacs down the quays?
This vanity convention has nothing to do with Ireland[/quote]
No the citizens of the State are footing the bill for this. Not just the taxpayers.

[quote=“Special Olympiakos, post: 913321, member: 366”]Is the tax payer footing this bill for Garda overtime and supermacs down the quays?
This vanity convention has nothing to do with Ireland[/quote]
hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, convention centre will all be benefitting

net gain to the exchequer I would say

I see that cunt Bono got to make the keynote speech. The tax avoiding cunt had the gall to say the Irish people bailed Ireland out, not the troika.

Where was JP when this went down?