Living in a Police State means

  1. Being ready for immigration to turn up at your door demanding to see your papers…
  2. Police wandering outside areas frequented by foreigners doing spot checks on ~ID.
  3. Being asked to supply a passport no to buy a tin of paint, as I was today.~
  1. Being barred from the internet for complaining about living in a police state.

I didn’t mention any names, or suggest it was a bad thing. It makes me feel more secure in fact, to know there are no criminals out there with paint. You’re point however is very valid.

What sort of year-long holiday involves buying a can of paint anyway? If I didn’t know you better I’d think you were about to embark on doing something useful with your time.

If Juhniallio wasn’t already in China I’d wager he’s planning on painting the town red.*

  • If this sentence impacts on Juhniallio’s safety then I’ll gladly delete it.

The all China GAA games are on in Beijing over the weekend*. The paint was for a set of posts. For your information, I have been offered jobs here and managed to avoid them.

*If a bookie will take the cash, put your house on Hong Kong

Army snipers on the buildings around the Convention centre this morning. No sudden movements forumites please. And I witnessed a paddy wagon pull up outside the Spar just now and one of the policemen got out and purchased two cornettos. It could be a rough afternoon.

Is the traffic going to be as bad this evening as it was last night with this shit?

What’s going on lads?

I’m off out for a run at lunchtime. I might take in this route to see what all the fuss is about.

Good way to lose weight is to run in a heavy overcoat that is too warm for this unseasonably mild weather

If you have a heart rate monitor you should wear that around your chest but they are not accurate wirelessly so connect it to your wrist with some wires

[quote=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 913203, member: 2272”]Good way to lose weight is to run in a heavy overcoat that is too warm for this unseasonably mild weather

If you have a heart rate monitor you should wear that around your chest but they are not accurate wirelessly so connect it to your wrist with some wires[/quote]

Breaking into a sprint periodically would help aswell.

And a pair of shades with a hood over my head?

Bring a backpack too. You can put your lunch in there in a plastic lunchbox.

If you take an alarm clock you will be able to set a timer to turn back at the right time.

@caoimhaoin European people’s party convention on in town. Lots of heavy hitters around. I saw Vitali Klitschko yesterday. Anti Austerity and Pro Ukrainian protests as well. And Gardai buying ice creams on account of the unseasonably mild weather.

This is a big drama over nothing. Nothing to see except Fagan ODowd holding a “Ireland says no to EU rule sign” at a barrier and 2 gurriers shouting down at Gardai from what would be the 1st or 2nd floor of the derelict Anglo building.

On a side note, how long has their been a Satellite Dish on the front of the Anglo building?

are the pro Ukranian crowd also the anti EU brigade?

What’s the story with the traffic around the IFSC for this? Is it likely to be shite around 6pm? I had no problem last night but was about 8.30pm when I hit the road.

Thinly veiled “I’m a salve to the man” post

I’m not gonna take a chance. Gonna stay in work till it clears.