Local and European election candidates

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 947133, member: 2269”]
Where would you get a list online of the candidates running in the various areas?[/QUOTE]

@Tess Tickle




Bumper Ireland South MEP election candidates debate on TV3 now with Vin B.

This Simon Harris chap comes across as the know-it-all snooty kid you went to school with.

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 947454, member: 1552”]Bumper Ireland South MEP election candidates debate on TV3 now with Vin B.

This Simon Harris chap comes across as the know-it-all snooty kid you went to school with.[/QUOTE]

He is pretty good though. And he fair stuck it to vincent. Prendergast not great here.

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 947454, member: 1552”]Bumper Ireland South MEP election candidates debate on TV3 now with Vin B.

This Simon Harris chap comes across as the know-it-all snooty kid you went to school with.[/QUOTE]
Keep a eye out for tension between Harris and his running mate, Deirdre Clune. Both know Kelly is a cert for the first FG seat, so only one of them will be able to get elected if at all. Clune has gotten in serious hot water in the last few days, she’s been violating the agreement between the parties in how the counties would be divvied up and Harris was outraged (privately of course).

Pointedly refused to acknowledge it as an error. Said he accepted her apology. Just lost marks for his inane toothy headshaking.

I just hope Vinnie goes through Phil Prendergast for a short cut. What a cunt she is.

I should point out that I’m not actually watching this right now, so I can’t comment on what’s going on.

I think I heard him, not quite whining but close, about the spending power she has

Kelly is a terrible speaker. A nice man but jesus he is woeful at stringing a few sentences together.

Harris is the most polished of all of them, even though he is the youngest.

Vincent now having a go at the Fianna Fail Hartley lad for his drink driving conviction. :popcorn:

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 947467, member: 1552”]Kelly is a terrible speaker. A nice man but jesus he is woeful at stringing a few sentences together.

Harris is the most polished of all of them, even though he is the youngest.[/QUOTE]
Harris is indeed the most competent of the FG trio. Clune is a stupid bint who shouldn’t be allowed near public office. Kelly isn’t the most impressive in a debate setting alright, but he’s a serious operator on the ground and is guaranteed a seat.

Who’s the lad with the lisp?

Independent chap, O’Loughlin. He is away with the fairies.

A gimp they legally have to have on. He is fucking shite.

Vinnie hasnt taken his meds tonight. This green chick looks nervous as fuck.

How’s the Sinn Féin lady performing?

Catholic Democrats candidate up now.

She does not like the gay lads.