Local and European election candidates

There’s a large geographical spread on the board here so we should be able to cover most constituencies, let’s use this thread to keep track of any lookers that are running in these elections, feel free to post both male and female candidates. If we like what we see we can all do whatever we can for their respective campaigns, maybe even give them an official TFK endorsement.

Can’t say I’ve seen any yet but I intend spending some time this afternoon researching my own constituency and I’ll revert back in due course.

Great idea for a thread, can never have enough of these



Clare Byrne, Fine Gael somewhere in Dublin might be one.

Didn’t even notice that one, zoned out as soon as I read the first thread.

Ah this is taking a differnt angle to be fair. I’ll keep an eye out this evening to see what the mid west has to offer.

Toireasa Ferris - Ireland South


Spotted a Sarah Ryan chick going for Fianna Fáil in the Dublin 2 area this morning that looked decent enough. There was some other blond bird that looked all right too but I was distracted by a bit of skirt in front of me and didn’t catch her name or party - I’ll report back this evening.

About to lose my access here as it’s almost 2pm (thanks again Farmer), here’s Sarah Byrne before I go:


Daughter of Eoin Ryan according to a google search.

[quote=“briantinnion”]About to lose my access here as it’s almost 2pm (thanks again Farmer), here’s Sarah Byrne before I go:


Daughter of Eoin Ryan according to a google search.[/QUOTE]

She’s my friend’s cousin, I think I may have met her a couple of times.

Elsewhere, Naja Regan appears to have controversially missed out on selection out here but here’s a pic anyway.

Excellent work Tinnion, quite a looker:thumbsup::


Nice alright:


[quote=“The Runt”]Nice alright:

Fine Gael are quite the good looking party actually. Lucida Creighton and Olwen Enright are both fine sorts, even Enda Kenny and Richard Bruton are easy on the eye.

its a pity its not the Rose of Tralee they are running for Ben.


I think this is a fine looking girl, Emma Kiernan, standing for Fine Gael in Kildare. I have great time for brunettes and nice hair in general, something Emma has in spades.

Good one SS, she’s fair nice alright.

This is Labour’s Rebecca Moynihan

And she likes good stuff

Reading- authors include Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Zadie Smith, Wally Lamb, Ann Patchett, Geraldine Brooks, Christina Lamb Music -Kings of Leon, Strokes, Amy Winehouse, Jeff Buckly, Tom Waits, Jonie Mitchell, Feist, Ham Sandwich, Bonnie Prince Billy Film , Bikram Yoga, Running

Think I’m in love.

[quote=“Thrawneen”]Good one SS, she’s fair nice alright.

This is Labour’s Rebecca Moynihan

And she likes good stuff

Think I’m in love.[/quote]

The Labour candidates always have the best musical tastes Thrawneen, though her spelling of Joni Mitchell and Jeff Buckley is disappointing.

Yeah, I’m hoping and praying those typos are the fault of the web content person. Surely someone who digs Bonnie “Prince” Billy knows the correct spelling of Canada’s greatest songbird.

I too “see a darkness” Thrawneen and hope the same.

I’m not stalking her or anything but I was pleasantly surprised to see on the video of her on Facebook that she doesn’t have a scaldie accent.

Nice looking, doesn’t have scaldie accent, likes Bonnie “Prince” Billy, what more is there?


I think this is a fine looking girl, Emma Kiernan, standing for Fine Gael in Kildare. I have great time for brunettes and nice hair in general, something Emma has in spades.[/quote]
Oh yes.

Can’t put the picture up myself as posting from my phone but would somone be so kind as to post up a picture of Maria Parodi? She’s a Labour candidate in Dublin South East is my top pick so far.