Local and European election candidates

Spotted her last night - she seems like she has potential.

shes no Joan Burton

Be careful posting from your phone - HBV will take exception to it

Lovely hair.

Sinead Sheppard of Six fame is blazzed all over East Cork. Sinead is a very nice girl and i met her a few times through a friend. Her rep as being a bit of a dumb doll seems very unwarrented from my experience. Very proud of her hometown Cobh (God bless) and is a genuine fighter for the cause down there. Probably being set up for future elections and won’t really be in the running this time. She’s with Fine Gael, who certainly are going the American way of getting good looking people on posters!
Anyone notice the huge pick up in Sinn Fein candidates, huge upsurge in Cork, one guy i know through the GAA and i never even knew he was a republican.
Here’s Sinead.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Sinead Sheppard of Six fame is blazzed all over East Cork. Sinead is a very nice girl and i met her a few times through a friend. Her rep as being a bit of a dumb doll seems very unwarrented from my experience. Very proud of her hometown Cobh (God bless) and is a genuine fighter for the cause down there. Probably being set up for future elections and won’t really be in the running this time. She’s with Fine Gael, who certainly are going the American way of getting good looking people on posters!
Anyone notice the huge pick up in Sinn Fein candidates, huge upsurge in Cork, one guy i know through the GAA and i never even knew he was a republican.
Here’s Sinead.

Fair point about Sinn Fein. They’re running a lad in Gorey who’s only about 23. Son of Mick Carty the Wexford footballer. Don’t think he has any political exposure at all.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Sinead Sheppard of Six fame is blazzed all over East Cork. Sinead is a very nice girl and i met her a few times through a friend. Her rep as being a bit of a dumb doll seems very unwarrented from my experience. Very proud of her hometown Cobh (God bless) and is a genuine fighter for the cause down there. Probably being set up for future elections and won’t really be in the running this time. She’s with Fine Gael, who certainly are going the American way of getting good looking people on posters!
Anyone notice the huge pick up in Sinn Fein candidates, huge upsurge in Cork, one guy i know through the GAA and i never even knew he was a republican.
Here’s Sinead.

cant stand that dumb whore from six - FG must be desperate if they are throwing out dumb dolls

I think we’re all desperate when it comes to Politicians

The shinners will never get elected down here, evidently they are pushing the dumb blonde canditate with McLellan and Ferris (a pair of good old Irish names there).

They can all fuck off back to the whole they crawled out of.

[quote=“Turenne”]The shinners will never get elected down here, evidently they are pushing the dumb blonde canditate with McLellan and Ferris (a pair of good old Irish names there).

They can all fuck off back to the whole they crawled out of.[/quote]

unfortunately cork is a west brit stronghild ever since percy werbrick or whatever his name was so I dont think SF expect much out of the carkies

“McLellan and Ferris (a pair of good old Irish names there” could you flesh out what exactly your point is here?whats their names got to do with anything?

Turenne tends to make sweeping statements and then fuck off without ever arguing the point so I doubt he’ll be back to answer this.

McLellan and Ferris are Scottish names. No doubt they are a pair of nordies who have been shipped in by the Shinners because they are vaguely attractive, and no doubt neither knows anything about or gives a fuck about Cork county/city. Typical mercenaries like Mary Lou, and typical of a party with even less principle then usual in politics. The shinners should really stick with the gullible Dublin peasants and leave normal people in peace.


ferris is a northie:rolleyes:

IOTM right there

ferris is a northie:rolleyes:

IOTM right there[/QUOTE]

I’ll second that.:thumbsup:

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Sinead Sheppard of Six fame is blazzed all over East Cork. Sinead is a very nice girl and i met her a few times through a friend. Her rep as being a bit of a dumb doll seems very unwarrented from my experience. Very proud of her hometown Cobh (God bless) and is a genuine fighter for the cause down there. Probably being set up for future elections and won’t really be in the running this time. She’s with Fine Gael, who certainly are going the American way of getting good looking people on posters!
Anyone notice the huge pick up in Sinn Fein candidates, huge upsurge in Cork, one guy i know through the GAA and i never even knew he was a republican.
Here’s Sinead.

was down that way at the weekend kev, and you could spot her posters a mile away with her whitened teeth, looks fairly airbrushed to be honest

Anyone notice this on their travels?

[quote=“Bandage”]Anyone notice this on their travels?


looks a lot like Rockos buddy “the Doll” sheehan

Is this lad really running,if he was in my area i might vote for him he has some good slogans going on there and a fairly cool hat too.

No, thats her alright, maybe they done it up a bit, but in the flesh she’s exactly like that, she keeps herself tip top in fairness and her teeth are sparkling. Wouldn’t be calling her anything other than decent looking though.

She looks gamey