Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

One for the serious runners on here - what distance/time/pace would ye do for an easy run during the week to keep yourself ticking over?

Went out for a handy auld jog earlier and did the 5km in 25:12 - occurred to me Iā€™ve no idea if I should be going faster, slower, longer etc.


Easy pace is a pace you could easily hold a conversation with someone.

I might sing the Limerick Rake to myself when Iā€™m out for my next jog.

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Iā€™d be anywhere between 5 min and 5ā€™30 pace if I was just going for a jog. Thereā€™s lads that are slower than me that would never run slower than 5 min pace. As @fenwaypark said whatever is comfortable for you. Shouldnā€™t feel like effort.

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I find it harder to run slow than fast.
Was doing my slow longer runs at around 5:25 pace

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Is there any point at all in that, other than fresh air and a chat? Not doing much for you surely?

I think @fenwaypark & Kev had a few rows over this :grinning:

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The thoughts of heading back to two screaming wains and a frazzled wife adds a nice few minutes to the time.


Mainly recovery. Some reasoning in this article. https://www.runnersworld.com/advanced/a20835578/the-easy-day-pace/


Recovery running just needlessly batters your joints. I can see zero point to exercise if youā€™re not exerting yourself. Iā€™ll run 10k with the lad and Claire tomorrow morning, but itā€™ll do me no good at all.

The point is that it shouldnā€™t batter your joints though. A good chance to focus on technique and to take in a different surface

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An easy run for me about 2 years ago was 5km at 6+ minutes per km. An easy run these days is 5:30 per km or 5:50 for a 10km. Itā€™s all down to your level of fitness I suppose

Running batters your joints. It just does.

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On roads 100%.

Youā€™re still gaining fitness from it though and canā€™t run hard every day. Youā€™d just end up getting injured. Iā€™d normally do 2 hard runs a week. Everything else be at around 5 mins per km or slower.

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I donā€™t think you are gaining fitness. Youā€™re better off on the bike or doing Bikini bootcamp.

Iā€™ve been doing lots of slower long runs since Christmas. Iā€™ve knocked nearly 2 minutes off my 5k and took 5 mins off my 10k time this evening. No injuries either compared to my routine before Christmas where I always tried push myself and was bollixed walking around.


But maybe just resting up would have done as good

Run your easy runs easy and your hard runs hards.