Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

I would have thought the same but I looked back over my runs when I was doing 3-4 parkruns in a month and I was regularly banging out some ridiculous times (in comparison to now). Running on my own seems to have a big bearing for me as I usually need someone to chase or to stay ahead of. Maybe I need to join the local club here or find a group to fall in with.

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Well done kid - savage time

Phew. I can park the secret prehab/fueling I had planned for the Velvet Strand sprint on Sunday lunchtime @Juhniallio


Some serious fuck acting going on in the intermediate level.

Up yer bollix @flattythehurdler


If anyone did some structured training and ran one 5k per month, they would see gains. As you said, running a hard 5k once a week is pointless.


Delete that mate

Yeah apologies


You had me worried for a while. I’ll take my 7 second lead into the weekend :grin:

What did I miss?

Oh I’m done mate. I’d one aim. Go ten seconds faster than Wednesday. Made 20 better! I’ll try one hard 5km on road a month going forward. I just don’t like doing them. Running on road has lost a lot of its appeal in last 8 months or so

@Spidey did the right thing and deleted the post so we will all move on.

The cheeky cunt was having a go was he? I’ll sort him in the 10k so I will

I agree. I miss the trails! With kids going back to school I’ll be looking forward to my Monday morning trail runs. A middling 30 mins run at some point during the week and then a longish slowish run on Friday or Saturday.

Oh I’m gonna rip up a few mountains Sunday morning. Working on planning permission to get out on MTB tomorrow morning. I’ve a playhouse to build and the big shop to do but I might get out.

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i doing my S and c work the other days so I’m going to throw an aul 5kminto the mix every once in a while

Im talking about lads running 5k hard every week and wondering why they are not getting quicker.

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@Bandage, you are running your easy way too hard.


@Bandage you are running your hard way too easy…


It’s just that it’s very tough to hold back when you’re naturally athletic like me.


Honestly, if you slowed down you will enjoy it more. I guarantee you that if you run a hard 5k in a months time you will PB. Twice a week, do 7-8 20sec strides at the end of your 5k easy run.