Lockdown 2021 Run Challenge

Fair plan fran, 2 harsh enough hills on the way back

Ah they’re not too bad, short and sharp, it’s the long ones which you tend to lose time on

@Fat_Pox, is that you I just gave a follow to on Strava?

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One of these does the job for me too, I don’t tend to carry anything else bar a set of keys and I just tie them to my shorts strings. If I want to bring a gel I just throw it in a pocket

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I used one of those arm yokes for years. The feeling of freedom when you throw the phone into a belt is ridiculous. Give it a try lads. You won’t even realise you have your phone with you


You’ll feel freer if you leave the phone at home

@fran already beating @locke and he only cruising along


I read it the wrong way round. Thought you finished with the hill at CBC and then the hill on the way past the fire station :smiley:

@fran is in great condition judging by his Strava output. He seems to be absolutely flying.


I’d love to but I need something to listen to and I’ve little interest in trying to get music onto my watch. Also paranoid I’ll find myself getting run over or falling into a ditch down some back road and have no way to ring someone for help. Same with trail running when it’s so remote


God no :grinning:

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Trying to get some miles in the legs.


What was the temperature @RaymondCrotty?

28 degrees or so at 8am. Humidity around 75% which forced me to stop. Had wanted to do 16km but it borders on the dangerous to run too long his time of year. March-May is extremely hot and humid.


I’m always jarred by the adverts for the Kuching marathon, which must take place every year in 30 degrees and 90% humidity.

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Do you still feel 28 degrees as absolutely roasting?

Yeah hard to fathom how runners can do decent times in the conditions. There’s a marathon here in August that I want to do. Starts at 4am so as to make it somewhat more tolerable. The advantage of doing an organised event is there is water very regularly so you do not have to carry as much and it is more readily available. I had to go into a family restaurant in temples this morning looking for water after 12km. I was beyond thirsty.


You’re a hardy oul bastard.

Splitting headache and about to spew after that.

Results uploaded shortly. I did 3 miles as my watch is set in miles.


@flattythehurdler approves of this masochism

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