Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

I think I have those socks. A lovely sock

Not if you wear a three piece suit to go to the shops

Instead of banning alcohol they should legalise weed. Theyā€™ll make a fortune in tax, criminal gangs will be put of pocket and more people will stay at home.

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Breda and Nuala donā€™t want people leaving the house. Canā€™t see Tony signing off on legalising weed :joy:

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Why? That would be casual wear for a lot of people

Looks like a grand and comfortable soft pair of shoes a la a pair of Eccos @Bod95

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Does @the_man_himself have lounging pants he switches into?

Iā€™d guarantee that @horsebox has a pair as well


Fuck Limerick (enjoy the pints Limerick posters ye cunts)


Given the reduction to 470ml cans Iā€™ve decided to have an extra can tonight

How is the fixed widget affecting your life

Is there any difference? My Londis here had the big, old school cans

Thatā€™s a fine beer right there

Youā€™ll still get the 8 packs in 500ml cans.

The 470ml can in a pint glass is very scant looking. Definitely doesnā€™t give as much of a head either but itā€™s fine.


I like the 8 pack. A grand evenings work

My month long flirtation with sobriety has ended. Thereā€™s not much to he said for it really.


Beer is finished.

Where did you get that beer mate?

Cc The Things I Buy in Aldi thread mate

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Bombay Sapphire 19.67 a bottle in SuperValu. Fill your boots.


Even at that price I think Iā€™d still use a glass.

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