Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Thatā€™s lovely tack.

I wouldnā€™t be one for buying craft porters but got a gift of this and it isnā€™t bad. The Kinnegar boys are top of the league


I got 12 cans of a craft danish outfitā€™s lager. Carlsberg tis called. Very refreshing


We are going to need some more details here mate :thinking:

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He hasnā€™t posted since. Iā€™d say heā€™s gone blind


Is it a mentos in half a coke bottle?

Youā€™ve stolen this from the Internet

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Itā€™s a joke, I think.

It seems to be behind the telly anyway whatever it is, so Iā€™d say he went in behind to hide from the missus

It must be there to put out any LG fires

Do Aldi have loads of random cheap beers like that?

Itā€™s slightly unsettling people thought it was genuine.


That was the cheapest tin I saw

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I must have a look someday.

O briens have a great selection but can be pricey if you plan on getting a few.

People falling off the wagon during lockdown is getting plenty of coverage on RTƉ, thereā€™s been an architect fella doing the rounds and thereā€™s somebody due on Ray Darcyā€™s show now

Lads get attracted to the media flame awfully easily these days. This need to publically confess to some perceived flaw or shame. Itā€™s ego driven in a vacuum left by the departure of organised religion to shame a lad.

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That Hugh Wallace Iā€™d say.

Self flagellation

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Was that the east coast one? Itā€™s lovely

The yellow one is the nicest beer available in Ireland at the moment imo.

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