Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Good health @Thomas_Brady

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Lovely stuff. You made a right hames of that pour.

Fuck it I don’t drink because it looks good

Time to branch out pal.

I have some 8 Degrees on the way tomorrow

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Get some Treaty

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I thought our commie government stopped that kind of selling alcohol

I might be securing some Red Stripe tomorrow.


Its Friday yeah

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Bog standard lager

I enjoy it mate. Then again I’m a lager (or stout) man.

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Very sudzy. The first pull will give you the sneezes.

A question for you. Why is it that Tyskie give you such bad wind? Is there a scientific explanation for it. I feel like I should be drinking gripe water chasers with it.


You bought the FJ to read about Buff’s brother ?


Sweet as, bro!


700 acres or something :heart_eyes_cat:

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0.21 Hectares or you’re at nothing.