Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete


Cc @Lazarus


Oi Oi :pint: have wan for me brother :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I just had a lemsip.



Watermelon flavour sounds, erm, interesting…

It’s refreshing AF. Had one when I was back at Christmas

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@backinatracksuit did you buy all those pilsners? They didn’t have any.

1 is lovely, not something you’d have a session on.
Never had that lost and grounded, must be new in Ballinacurra

There wasn’t many of the OI pilsner left last week, must be gone I suppose

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Having the Gowlden Wonder and a package of O’Donnells cheese and onion here. A nice combo.

Lads the roadworks stuff in Aldi is the finest…great value at 2euro.

Trying the west coast here… The copper one I posted previously is probably nicer. Fair play to @TreatyStones keeping it to himself for months.

Gone stone mad for White Russians the last few days.

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This thread reminds me of the Nutri Bullet one from long ago :grinning:

What’s that like kid. I keep meaning to pick up a couple of cans but keep forgetting.

I’ll let you know in about half an hour. No plans on drinking until I saw that


White Russian is a great drink.

Get the Patron Cafe. Drink it neat or with a bit of milk

If nearly go so far as to call it a game changer.

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Tis only smashing mate

The best beer in Ireland.

It’s lethal on draft.