Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete

Pretty much everyone I know despises it. If there is nothing else on the go, I donā€™t mind it. I find it very easy to drink, Iā€™d never get bloated off it I find.

Commit to the hipster life mate. Hop house is only a state of denial

Ah I love my crafties man, however I am currently craftyless in Seattle*

*Not Seattle.

Iā€™m short handed myself. Iā€™m after pulling an IPA I bought about a year ago in Aldi out the of the press. Italian IPA. I bought two of the them at the time and thereā€™s a reason itā€™s been in the press for a year. There isnā€™t much in the press, so itā€™s some achievement to still be undrank. Iā€™ve it in the freezer in the hope itā€™ll be some way palatable

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I was on my 3rd can of that dreadful Stella Artois when I attempted to polish off my ā€œnight tabletsā€. Now the Stella was piss but the cholesterol tablet abandoned the regular entry port and got wedged about halfway down.
15 minutes later Iā€™m in the bog emptying upstairs and downstairs. Herself suggested (grudgingly) a brandy and port. I acceded instantly despite the port being possibly 2ā€™16 vintage. However, after 3 steadying tumblers Iā€™m much improved.
So good in fact that Iā€™ve decided Heat was one of the great movies.


I vow now before all of ye, Iā€™ll never drink stella artois again. It took me 3 days to drink 6 cans.

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Have you noticed a lack of stock yourself? I havenā€™t been to a proper offy in a while now, just the local Centra equivalents. The offering has, emmmm, regressed. Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve looked at Karpackie and gone ā€œHmmmā€.

Itā€™s gone to absolute shit.

I got the last 8 pack of stout tonight. Other than that it was Carlsberg

My man is well stocked, but not entirely in what youā€™d want. Kinnegar is hard got, and I canā€™t get a can of Pilsner Urquell for love nor money cc @ciarancareyshurlingarmy I donā€™t know where you live but the bigger Tescoā€™s have a very good stock of Crafties. The McGargles are 4 for ten and their IPA and their session IPA are very good.

Cans of Guinness are a fraud as well

Iā€™m out in the sticks currently and have been purchasing booze in Cappamore. :eek: Will be heading east this weekend and will be within walking distance of an Oā€™Briens, at which point my craft worries will be over.

They are somewhat palatable.

They are operating as my filler at the minute, Iā€™ll buy four IPAs and then Iā€™ll tip at the Guinness because the IPAs are an absolute rob, but Iā€™d love to find a halfway daycent beer to fill the gap that isnt expensive, because cans of Guinness are just cans of disappointment

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After four IPAs Iā€™d probably tip away at Tuborg and Iā€™m not even joking. Hard bet value wise. Youā€™d never get a bad can of Tuborg.

Staraparomen if you can get a good deal on the bottle. Its pricey enough

I was drinking Zwytec the other night cc @balbec like something I would have drank in college. The Tyskie is just about passable but I wouldnā€™t be looking forward to it. I canā€™t drink Tuborg since a holiday in Turkey where I poisoned myself with it.

Ya itā€™s not too bad, but the Urquell has me ruined for beer, I used to love it. But now itā€™s just meh. You can get 5 for ten in some places, but sure you can get 4 nice beers for ten as well so why would you

Iā€™m just drinking for the sake of it now.

I love beer. But I love nice beer. Itā€™s an awful expensive affliction. Couldnā€™t drink bud or coors or Heineken or whatever.

I like a balance. Something nice and not expensive. I love trying new ones.

The nearest offie to me is a Eurospar so Iā€™ve been drinking piss the last few months when I canā€™t get anything decent