Lockdown Drinking Thread - obsolete


Can bottles of Super Bock be got anywhere? Lovely stuff on a warm evening

Feel for ya unfortunately I wouldnt be able to get to my favourite boozers as I’m exiled in Cark. The local here wouldnt open as word would get around too quickly

Lidl had them a few weeks ago

I saw super bock somewhere lately. Might have been my offy in limerick though.

A spot of Estella Galicia, crested and loud tunes from spotify/Sonos in the garden has just ended.

On to tomorrow evening. May look for some beer variety. Great times we live through.


I’m going on recognisance tomorrow I’ll try to leave you some this time

Might interest some.


Also 20 cans of coke for a tenner.

20 cans of coke and 24 cans of cider for 38 euro :crazy_face:

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I bought a few this morning just out of solidarity with ye.

Did you buy some white claw?



What time do you want us round?


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Any eyes on you as you went through check out with that?!

No more so than normal.

I’m a dodgy looking cunt at the best of times.

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You should have thrown a box of nappies on top and then at checkout say you are a bit short of money and leave the Nappies back


How did that go down @EstebanSexface? I’ll be getting their pale ale tomorrow.

All you’re missing is the Toilet Roll, cos you’ll badly need it

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Spotify paid for some of it

cc @Julio_Geordio @Mac