Lohan 2004 - 2013

Sorry to hear that @chewy louie

RIP brave Lohan.

sorry to hear about that puke. but id say the poor fella is out of his misery at least now.

if @Bandage allows and should you need to take some time , im willing to act as an admin over on your internet forum for a week or two, itll help you spend some time with the family and you can relax knowing the internet is in good hands while you are away.
My details ( you probably already have them) are in the mass card i sent to your mother’s place using the address i got from Mac and Kev.

This is tragic news, after a wonderful weekend. Its heart breaking losing your dog.

Sorry to hear that puke. At least you know what to name the next fella.

he died with his boots on

Davy :clap:

some decorum please you insensitive cunt.
has SLR tweeted " lohan is dead" on twitter yet?


One can only assume that the altercation with the Pine Marten took a lot out of Lohan, god rest his soul

Stay Brave @chewy louie


Sleep well, Lohan.

Condolonces chewy.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal.

Btw, which of the Lohans was he named after, Brian, Frank, Gus or Lindsay?

RIP Lohan
Condolences Chewy

Rip Lohan. Sad news Chewy.

Sorry for your loss @chewy louie


Sorry fo your trouble Chewy, sounds like Lohan led a lovely life and was extremely well looked after. RIP.

This news is so hard to take

I know Lohan led a happy life Puke and for that I hope there is some comfort in this distressing time for you and for all the members of this forum who loved that goofy little dog so much.

While we are all in pain about this ,dare I suggest a PM to faldo if you want to talk about your pain,he recently went through the same horror you are facing now and can empathize with you more than most

