London Calling

The princess Louise. End of.


You could take a dander round to the ten bells. Beforehand I’d strongly recommend reading Peter Aykroyd’s ‘Hawksmoor’ and/or ‘London, the Biography’. You’ll develop a terrific appreciation of the extraordinary history of the area, and your friends will value your insights, intellect and empathy with both the area and those who’ve lived ‘their’.
I’ve no doubt that both your anticipation and visit will be enhanced immeasurably.

Or he could just hop off the train and get wankered in dirty dicks

I’ve great hopes for the child

Great restaurant, can’t beat the Longhorn steak.

A friend used to work around there for a time, back in the 1990s. So I occasionally had a pint with him in Liverpool Street/Spitalfields area. But a long time ago at this stage…

If ye want a sports pub, it sounds like the Railway Tavern, near the station, would fit the bill. But you will hardly get anything too atmospheric in there, judging by online stuff.

The Liverpool Street area pub I remember liking best, back in the day, was The Magpie (nearby in Bishopsgate). Google it and see what you think. Dirty Dicks (also in Bishopsgate) might be a good halfway house between a Railway Tavern style place and somewhere a bit more traditional. I could take or leave Dirty Dicks.

Would be a pity for ye not to visit Spitalfields, since it is so near. A niece of mine has lived there for a few years and always comments on the unusual atmosphere. Her father is also struck by the whole area when he visits. I would try to take in a few Spitalfields pub for the day in it.

Three pubs there I was in and remember liking:

The Golden Heart (Commercial Street): cross between a local boozer and a hipster joint. Had a likeable equilibrium, back then.

The Pride of Spitalfields (Heneage Street): backstreet boozer for locals. Sort of like a working class Neary’s. Most enjoyable.

The Ten Bells (Commercial Street): lot of Jack The Ripper-related fluff and guff but has a beautiful tiled interior.

Let me know your thoughts in due course.

I very much agree, though, with comment above on the Princess Louise… Myself, I would divide a London session between there and The Olde Mitre. Or go on a Soho/Charing Cross one.

But you would like Spitalfields.


Thank you

Thank you malarkey enjoy the hurling Sunday

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The astronomer is around the corner and a fine pub with a good selection of beers.

Don’t take on London and be moving around. Pick an area and stay there. You’ll find plenty of what you are looking for wherever.

You are near shoreditch there. If you don’t mind hipsters thats a great spot.

This place is a good spot. Food market and pub in the one place. Have you been to the Bernard Shaw in Dublin? Like that on steroids

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Sound advice.

Was never in The Astronomer, best of my recollection. Looks a nice spot.

Just as an fyi, the Liverpool st area is pretty dead at the weekends. The city workers all clear out of it.

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It’s just so I can get my bearings

That’s preciously the issue with London. I find it impossible to navigate. You’d lose two hours in a flash.

The Spitalfields market has great food options. The curry houses of Brick Lane near by too … Think there’s a Sunday world food market near there also… Dont nind your pubs, get atin.

This lad is looking for a Wetherspoons with a bookies and a chip shop next door, should be easy enough to find.


Surely you’d just go up to Gibney’s ? Old Street is only up the road.


I’ll start off there


I love that part of London, and agree. It has a fairly chequered history. There’s an odd but not unpleasant atmosphere round there.


If you’re headed soho way, I like the toucan. Need to tuck in and get a seat though. Gets rammed.

Yes, a lot of layers around that part of the East End. Singular spot.

I lived in London just by Fitzrovia, in Clipstone Street, for a summer in the 1980s. Atmospheric spot too, totally different way.

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