Long Live the king

It’s still only Thursday, pucks of it to come yet. Some of the marching and bollocksology is repetitive but well choreographed and their boots are sparkling.
Consider the fact that in Béal na Bláth not a month ago a soldier fell asleep while standing to attention for 20 minutes and collapsed in a heap.

We’re amateurs when it comes to horseshit and pagentary….


And long may that continue. Its like Christmas panto season over there.

Long weekend over here on the mainland. People will have a few drinks and it’ll go into overdrive. I think it’s been growing steadily and we will see people go over the cliff edge come Sunday,Monday afternoon.

Youd wonder how many more distractions they’re going to get over there before they eventually get to grips with the shit show thats facing them.

“The mainland”. As annoying as “Londonderry”.

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and high street

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I’m sure Truss will manufacture a few more. It’s a complete joke that she’s accompanied the new king on his tour of the UK. Although the party conferences are on the week after next so that’s one.

They’ve done some job on Big Ben

Just in time as it turned out.


The Elizabeth Tower you mean.


She’ll probably come out after Christmas saying theyve signed an fta with Gibraltar and the Falklands and all is good

Ceann gleoite. :clap:t3: Maith thú.

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Michael Parenti’s Stache is a wonderful thing.

Jimmy saville and the kings relationship was very strange historically.

How did Charles the third not know that his buddy was a paedophile deviant?

Did MI5 miss it completely over the years?

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Very strange carry on.


13 hours away from Posh, he’d have been happy if the queue was 130 hours.


Arise Sir Becks!

I saw him leaving Westminster Hall earlier. Mob of paparazzi. ‘Twas fascinating to watch it.

A PR triumph!