Long Live the king

The prods are great at the aul hymns. They really belt them out, compared to our half embarrassed mumblings.

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A thiarna déan trocaire

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He used fish the Delphi fairly regularly back when the Delphi had fish.

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If you’re not singing, you’re not winning

Wait until rumpelstilskin in the Phoenix park pops his clogs. You couldn’t have that cunt lying in state. Youd never be able to close the coffin with the belly on the cunt.

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Do you really think they have Lizzy lying in the coffin?

I couldn’t give two fucks kid. They probably have her freezing beside Walt Disney in the hope of resurrecting her in a few years

That’s the thing, she’s no more in that coffin than a man up on the moon.

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Some of this craic is coming up on my timeline these cunts have lost their minds. They are still at the mourning, the family hopping in and out of different uniforms, a known sex offender among them and plebs queuing for 12 hours to view the coffin of someone who happened to be born into a family. Whatever floats your boat I suppose.

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The kids will have their fill of the Christmas panto season by Monday

Best line I saw on twitter was what would they do if Charlie popped it on Wednesday?

Rem the year of the three pope’s.

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I saw the queues for that yesterday. People queuing for hours to get into Penneys. It’s no wonder the brits…800 years…2 men and a stick etc

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The Primark Minister.

From the Limerick folks who elect a Collins every time… fucking brilliant.


I just knew it would be you……slight tip of cap. You f**ker.:wink:


I still remember Gay Byrne opening Lisduggan Shopping Centre in 1974.

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Joe Canning will join the queue at the Castleknock entrance at 2.15am & wind his way around Pheonix Park for 13 hours before paying his respects.

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That’s exceptional dignity.