Long Live the king

Yesh its an entirely AI generated image of her and the kids, i have it in good authority that shes locked up in the tower of London growing her hair to escape


The sleeve on the red jumper looks off, Louis’ crossed fingers look suspect also.

A lot of blurring and floating arms going on in that photo.

A PR disaster in progress. What are they hiding?

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Her very very long arms it seems


What aren’t the fuckers hiding :joy:

All i could think of looking at the photo


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Why are all the childer dressed like an episode of All Creatures Great and Small?


“The source of the photo was her husband William”

The cawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwps need to get round there.

Marrying a commoner was always a risk

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Bloody hope Kate is ok

The word on the street is she has a severe mental issue, its very concerning

What Harry and that wagon have put her through the last couple of years is unthinkable.

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Stop, that Bastard killed his Grandmother, the strain he put her through at 96 years of age, he should never be forgiven and I am sure Willie will hold a firm line against him, She could have got the 100 only for him and that bitch


A member of the Royal Family is a bit of a mentaller? Who would of thunk it?

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I believe Cheltenham has something to do with this

Harry will finish them all off and usurp the throne

They kept the queen mother in a freezer for the guts of a year before announcing her death. The firm don’t play by normal rules.

Sunak needs to address this issue