Long Live the king

I’m sorry for your loss, but a life well lived. I hope she died well.

That’s a clamping.

Martin McGuinness made his peace with her, and she with him. Good enough for me.
Most English folk aren’t rampant imperialists and decry violence. There’s a significant rump left who are either in one or both groups, but most are just sad at her passing. She was one of the great world statespeople and she latterly was a great head of state.
Charlie and liz truss are left behind, and sre well matched.
I think for many, she’s just been a constant in a changing and often uncertain world. The epitome of keep calm and carry on. I dislike a lot of things she did, and were done in her name, but she accepted her role was ceremonial and rubber stamping, and stayed publicly pretty rigidly within the confines of that.
I think latterly she was a great force for good between the UK and Ireland. As a statesperson and leader, I think Martin McGuinness was easily her equal, and I think that relationship in many ways defined her as much as any.
I think the world is the worse for her loss to be honest, though I mourn the loss of MMcG far more.
My wife had a bit of a cry last night. She’s as nice and kind and selfless a person as you would ever meet. She’s also tough and sensible and deals with horrors every day, and stress. If she gets upset, there is reason (she was utterly bemused by the hysteria around lady Di)
Yokels and rastoolers who glory in the death of QE2 are shallow and rigid and such types rarely improve the world.
Lizzy changed with the times, and was remarkably sane given the insanity of her surroundings and her life. A great enough leader to single handedly hold the commonwealth together, which will now splinter (rightly imho)
The BBC is fucking batshit across the board.

As an addendum, I think for many middle aged people, her death holds a mirror to their own mortality, hence the reaction, or at least partly.


It’s clearly a ridiculous comparison that doesn’t really warrant any more of my time.


Well said that man. Isn’t @Cheasty a big fan of The Cure?

Robert Smith skirts round the point that any and all inheritance is hereditary privilege.
The notion of a royal family is as absurd as Santa Claus though, but then miggledy as head of state isn’t far off either.


Its Friday, and he’s not in love with the Queen.

Or the fact thet she was a constant in British life and then shes gone. Like when parents die. You think they’ll be there forever then one day they aren’t.


Exactly. She was more a constant in many English lives than often absent parents.


That’s my father’s side cleared out now. He had three siblings that never married, and himself. Four deaths in just over ten years with ages ranging from 84 to nearly 96. A different generation, grew up with hardship and that moulded their work ethic.


Some very good ages in there hopefully you get to similar, sorry for your loss pal.

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Christ, Michael D on the Virgin One News there. He looks like death warmed up.

Sorry to hear that, pal. May she RIP.

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I agree with you @Cheasty that the triumphalism over this smacks of trying too hard. Only the biggest dopes on my Facebook and WhatsApp groups are posting proper celebratory messages rather than the odd sneery funny one. Are you finding yourself on the opposite side of the aul culture wars on this though with the Sinclair thing for example?

The queen dying will be a far bigger deal here than when he dies which is a bit mad really. Very footixy

The paper of record now reporting on Shamrock Rovers fans last night. Embarrassing for all.

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Is he a blood relation of the previous two ?