Long Live the king

Pathetic behaviour.

But ok for Ukrainians to celebrate the deaths of Russian soldiers or Putin?

Laurie Hernandez Latina GIF by Latinx Heritage



It’s OK for you not to have to feel forced to equate the Queen with Putin or with soldiers in the Russian army currently carrying out a genocide.

Same as I don’t feel forced to equate Prince Edward with Bashar al Assad.

I see two beloved FOTFs are getting stuck in

You’d expect a statement from @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy for the benefit of the forum. Difficult to woo support for the soccer when this hooliganism, for that’s what it is, is allowed pass unchecked.


You are some agent provocateur :joy:

I am looking forward to hearing @Thomas_Brady’s input on Peterson thoughts here

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Why did they chant in an English accent? @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

It’s not a trap. It’s just a conversation. I’m just wondering where you draw the line.

The concentration camps in Kenya were an atrocity on a large scale. I don’t see why you sit in judgement of the victims of one conflict but not the other.

No wonder they got a hiding outside the Steering Wheel

You regularly look beyond the indivdual and look at what they represent or what circles they operate in. Regularly there is a far right addendum wedged in or some other tenuous links you can find or make. I find it hard then to understand how you somehow extricate members of the royal family from the institution they represent or some of the well founded accusations about her son who she harboured. There is almost an omerta about that. She knighted Jimmy Saville and Mugabe. The british and crown forces have presided over worst attrocities of any country all around the world. How do you square that?

Personally I am ambivalent. I wont grieve over her but I dont have any feelings of malice. It is inconsequential to me. On a human level she was a nice mannered lady with strength of conviction and dignity. But for many It is very hard to seperate the woman from the crown. People are entitled to feel injustice whether they are from Derry or Kenya.


Maybe because the Queen was a ceremonial figurehead who didn’t actually herself operate concentration camps in Kenya - the British government did - or pull the triggers on Bloody Sunday or have anything to do with it - whereas Putin himself planned the war, ordered the war, directs the war, actively denies Ukrainian nationhood is the effective dictator of Russia and is openly threatening the use of first strike nuclear weapons.

The Queen’s job was basically to shake hands with people, smile, cut a few ribbons and give an occasional speech. A bit like a GAA president.

I’ll try listen in a bit bro


Dr Peterson nailed it there.

English common law and the great democratic countries. The birthplace of productive and generous countries. UK led as primary moral force to eradicate slavery - took 175 years

Said UK’s self image is shame.

We’re all the beneficiaries of the atrocities of history. We all need to atone for it.

He’s crying by the end.

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Savile was knighted in 1990, Mugabe 1994, well before it was widely known about what Savile was and what Mugabe would become. The Queen pretty much never picks who gets knighted.

This country extended condolences to Nazi Germany on the death of Hitler. A member of the Royal Family was blown to death in the waters off this country when he was here as a tourist. The IRA’s bombing of Britain and the murders of civilians were done in our name. So you can pick any holes in anything if you’re prepared to be pedantic enough.

What does celebrating the death of the long serving ceremonial head of state of a neighbouring country you are at peace with represent? It’s up to the Brits to run what system they want and they are far from alone in Europe in running a constitutional monarchy.

Seeing idiots (and that’s what they are - none of this has any intellectual basis - it’s just a chance to goad themmuns) celebrating the death of the Queen is the perfect excuse for every Loyalist bigot to justify their own bigotry, every KAT sign every tricolour, and every picture of Martin McGuinness or John Hume on a bonfire. They may not need it, but they have it anyway. Extremists feed off each other. The same gobshites who were at it in Derry are the same cohort form which the murderers of Lyra McKee emerged.

Michelle O’Neill got her tone absolutely spot on and if she can do so and Martin McGuinness can do what he did there’s sod all excuse for anybody else. Those eejits just want to keep the bigotry and the taunting of themmuns going. None of it has any intellectual basis.

Interesting both were singing the praises of the British Empire. Peterson went full John Bruton on it. To be expected perhaps hailing from a Dominion state.

Whenever Cork come to the Markets field the locals sing ‘you can stick your English market up your hole’ in that cockney accent that they have :man_shrugging: