šŸ Lookalikes Thread

The collars are definitely alike.


Yep, both are dressed like priests


Thatā€™s as bad as Iā€™ve seen on here


Fr Todd has had his troubles in real life too.

The new Archbishop has a far greater likeness to Ferdia Mac Anna aka Rocky De Valera



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Classic Fran, sneaking in for a handy nice post

And youā€™re here all day, every day, breaking your back with a 100 plus shite posts and all you get is a few crumbs.

@fran is an awful man.

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Now now, just because Iā€™ve chosen not to comment on your latest shitehawkery on the Covid thread doesnā€™t mean I havenā€™t been chuckling to myself at your incredible levels of stupidity.

Happy new year to you

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Happy new year to you and the family pal,


Am I missing something here?

Fella on the far right looks like Totti on the far right below.

If you knew the background story you wouldnā€™t think that funny you cunt.

Jaysus, where have I mentioned anything about the family here? This is purely Sheedy and Ashley Coleā€™s stance. You cunt.


Crop the image then you dunce.

Shur itā€™s not a lookalike then. Anyway twas nothing got to do with the family.


Ah I get it now. Sheedy is a black manā€¦

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Those crimson Roma colours are so distinctive. A bit like the gold of Wolves. I canā€™t think of too many other clubs with a single distinctive colour that no one else of note uses.

Young Natalie Portman

Xwing Fighter sitting in front of Luke in Star Wars Episode 4