🐐 Lookalikes Thread

This, the smackable faces thread and the ones you’d probably ride if you didn’t get caught are by far the best threads on the internet.

where is that one?

That got deleted when @Thrawneen left.

Women you mightn’t get along with, but you’d ride anyway - Dunce’s Corner - TFK (thefreekick.com)

you’ve led me astray here

Former Irish Rugby player and general prick Neil Francis

Father of three murdered children Andrew McGinley

Ah here. That poor man has been through enough without being told he looks like Franno.


A bit much even for TFK

It’s still up there…

If you’re going to put up a lookalike of someone from a sensitive background then at least it should be a lookalike, which is not the situation in this case. Nowhere near in fact.

How’s this one?

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Admins, a lengthy suspension of user privileges required here.

He definitely listens to the fantasy football pods

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He’s from good stock.

Kingston Mills


Alan Brogan


I’m only liking that cos he seems a thoroughly nice man.
He looks nothing like @bandage who looks more of a runner these days. His cheekbones are showing.

I get the feeling *Martin Keown should be in between the two boys there.

Or Ryan Giggs.

There’s Keown for you anyway.
