🐐 Lookalikes Thread

Did you ever watch Kill Bill the movie?

Sorry @Pirlo, I’m not sure if @Rocko ever managed to figure out how to ban someone from a specific thread. I raised this with him back in 2014 when I was trying to rig a celeb spotting adjudication vote. As things stand, I see three potential courses of action:

  1. A mighty sound gentleman’s agreement not to post on the thread for whatever time period you decree in the course of your adjudication duties;

  2. A forum wide ban for gross misconduct if the lookalike is as disgraceful as the Nigel Pearson / Fergal Whiteley one.

  3. Shut the forum down permanently.

  1. I’m already after getting shit off a poster over adjudication, so that’d probably go out the window.

  2. Might not be the worst idea, temporary ban, unless the person gets in a strop when they come back.

  3. Ah I wouldn’t go that far.

Much appreciated the reply !

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Surely whatever mechanism is used to ban posters from the racism threads could be applied here to repeat offenders.

I don’t think it’s suitable in this case

Who made you the boss?

Admins. Who said you can post shit lookalikes ?

There are two kinds of people: sheep and sharks.
@Pirlo is a shark

He has assumed this onerous role in recent weeks. As you will glean from the Dating thread he’s freed up a bit of time to devote to adjudicating on the lookalikes thread which is a precursor to the celeb spotting thread. The adjudicator there has signed an extension there until ‘24 so there won’t be a vacancy yet.


There’s also the Rugby and GAA spotting thread where an aspiring adjudicator can cut their teeth.

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That’s the beauty of that thread, no adjudication required

He has all the bite of a basking shark.


Like I said before, I preferred him when he was a monkey.

Fuck off you weird Kilkenny cunts.

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No, now fuck off ya stupid cunt.

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Lol Tolhurst, drummer with The Cure

Sean Flood, Wexford hurler


This guy fucks.

Finally we’re getting somewhere.