🐐 Lookalikes Thread

I need to clear this one up.

I actually meant the fella looked like Jackie Hurley.


I actually had that last week but I couldn’t post it due to my two week ban for the Mino Raiola post, that none of ye were smart enough to get.

Rebekka Vardys legal representative

Wayne Rooney

@Pirlo, I’m loathe to backseat moderate but isn’t that a court artist’s drawing of the Rooneys?


I’ve been rumbled

(Sidenote: he’s quite good at his job)

2 weeks. Take it like a champ and in 2 weeks, have a good lookalike comparision. Now go in peace to love and serve the lord.

I mean, he does look like him?

A drawing of Rooney can’t possibly compared to human Rooney. Now if we’d say that solicitor was Amber Heard’s solictor, I might give it an hour or two whilst thinking about it. But you can’t possibly give it.

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Fuck you @Bandage , your meddling will come back to haunt.

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@LionelRitchie’s ma is minted. Lionel, have a browse of the business ideas thread and if there’s anything in there you like with my name on it I’ll gladly take investment. Form an orderly queue lads.

Bungalow out in Barntown and a 121 car and you’re back in.

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This has to be the worst ever


What the fuck is wrong with you

If posters at the time of my post two weeks ago couldn’t get it. Then there wasn’t much chance of you getting it now.

It was far too cryptic, even for a kk man.

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2 weeks, now off ya go.


You’re missing the whole picture here mate.

It’s a lookalike thread and that’s not a lookalike.

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WG Grace

My unstrimmed lawn edge

Vinny Maher 90s style haircut


Time to get out of the scratcher and do something here fast.