Lord Richard 'Dickie' Attenborough

Bit of a random post here (unlike me) but I have noticed a strange trait in this man over the last few months.

I have seen him on the telly twice recently and both times he has appeared extremely touchy feely with the people he has been in contact with (i.e. men).

First I saw him being interiewed by Pat Kenny on The Late Late. A terrible interview it was as well by the Plank where he asked him about two questions but Dickie was all over him. When he came out first he embraced him like you might embrace someone you know really well. Seemed odd as Kenny and him would hardly be best mates.

Then at the end of the interview which lasted about seven minutes, he embraced Kenny again, this time for longer. I was wondering what the fook was going on. That was nothing compared to last night though when I was watching the BAFTAs.

For those of you familiar with these awards, the crowning event of the evening is the admittance of a person into the BAFTA institute, of which Dickie is the chairman, so he always does the presentation. Last night it was Anthony Hopkins or ‘Tony’ as Dickie called him. Anyway upon entering the stage from introduction from Jonathan Ross, Dickie decided to greet Ross, not with a warm handshake, not even with a Kenny like embrace. No he gave him a peck on the cheek which Ross reciprocated.

Then after about ten minutes of blowing his load over Hopkins he presented the award to him. Hopkins initiated the embrace this time, squeezing Dickie until he nearly turned blue. The usual happened - Hopkins first of all thanked Dickie saying that it was an honour to receive the award from him. The camera went on Dickie and there he was blowing kisses at Hopkins. Then when Hopkins finished his speech Dickie gave him a peck on the cheek as well.

I don’t know if that is just an actor thing but it just seemed strange to me I have to say

did it turn you on?

It was weird alright last night. He started blushing and seemed on the verge of tears when Hopkins gave him some standard praise and then blew kisses back at him. He seemed a touch senile to tell the truth.