M. Donnelly Interprovincial Series


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The Munsters wouldn’t hit a barn door

These things even out over the course of a season

I’d also expect the benefit of the doubt be given to the attacking team

It’s only football

I’m starting to realise why so many Ulster footballers fist the ball over the bar

It’s not even football anymore

Sweet jebus

Who was that fella

Maguire nearly killed that Nordie fella

The Wahterfurd fella

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A flying clothesline :joy:

We gathered 15 lads at the cross this morning. Running Irelands darling football province close

Ulster says NO.

The three v three might require corner backs who can defend which is surely a good thing

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That’s the truth of it. The Ulster boys basically ignoring every effort for the game to be played in any degree of forward thinking and attacking manner.

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Hooter can fuck right off. We play until it’s a draw. The way it’s always been.

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The Munster boys should tell Cian to fuck off over to Ulster so he can complete the set of provinces

Wonder will the players go on a big piss up tonignt before tomorrow’s games.

They should.

Ah stop. The Ulster lads have 2 recovery sessions planned tonight and 4 tomorrow

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One Direction being played over the tannoy :cry::cry::cry: