M. Donnelly Interprovincial Series

3 v 3 interesting. 2 points for a 45 bollox. 2 points for a free outside bollox. Keeper has to kickout outside the new arc interesting. 2 points for a shot outside the arc bollox. Tap and go interesting. 4 points for a goal bollox. Advantage for an inside mark bollox.

Goalie allowed to only get the ball in oppostions half probably bollox but open to looking at it. Keeper should probably be kept in goals. If they bring it in your keeper HAS to come forward. You may as well play a forward in goals


I find myself nodding in agreement.

To add, 1 on 1 throw in is ok.

50m for an infraction is just ridiculous. A stalking horse idea I suppose

OK this is what i needed. I think GAA is basically a great sport, the negative coverage annoys me. People are pissed off just because it’s changed, as if that means it’s inferior.

But if they were to change it they should be making it harder to keep boring possession, so maybe if they banned successive handpasses.

It’s specifically for dissent and slowing down the play isn’t it, badly wanted I’d say

The big issue is tactical fouling in the forward line. Eg Paul geaney. Failing to hand the ball to an opponent for a free when you are on the ground is a lesser offence.

I’m predicting Ulster says No and not one rule change introduced bar one of the harmless ones.

Yeah it’s a fabulous sport to play. People find it tiresome to watch sometimes though.

I’d keep them all tbh. Give it a championship season and see what happens.

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I dunno. Watching a fat lad sprinting despairingly back towards his own goal is always worth a watch.


The Galway goalkeeper vainly sprinting back to his line like a madman when Barney Rock lobbed him from 50 yards in 1983 was a thing of exceptional beauty.

I think my favourite but was when he ran into the actual net and collapsed on the ground like a sack of spuds spilling out on the floor.

Is he any relation of this wan?

The Paddy Cullen shuffle.

If id to pick two to lose they would probably be the ones. Certainly the 45s.
Constantly reading people warning of absolute havoc, mayhem and the downfall of society with these new rules at club level. Have they ever heard of the square ball?

Could they not make a rule where a palmed/fisted goal could only come from a kick pass?

I’ve long been an advocate of making the palmed goal a six pointer.

The win percentage of teams who score a palmed goal in a game must be near 95% I’d say. The psycological damage done to the team on the end of one is usually too much to overcome.

A dagger to the heart of a team.

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Fair enough; but only from a kick pass. This craic of 10 handpasses setting up an open goal palmed finish is not football

Devalues a goal when a point from outside the arc is worth 2 points, I’d have kept it at 2 and 4


Gaelic football rule idea:

Team A (Bakerloo) v Team B (Piccadilly)

Players numbered 1-7 on Team Bakerloo must wear black shorts and cannot advance beyond a new half way line. Players numbered 10-15 on Team Piccadilly must also wear black shorts and must stay beyond the half way line.

Players numbered 1-7 on Team Piccadilly must wear white shorts and cannot advance beyond a new half way line. Players numbered 10-15 on Team Bakerloo must also wear white shorts and must stay beyond the half way line.

Players numbered 8-9 on each team wear yellow and pink striped shorts and can play in any area of the pitch.

This would mean that at any particular time, you can have a maximum of 17 players and a minimum of 13 in one half of the pitch.

It would be brilliant and also probably fail hilariously.

Alternatively you could have an artificial stream like Rae’s Creek at Augusta functioning as the centre line of the pitch and have 8 players from Team Bakerloo and 7 players from Team Piccadilly designated to be on one side of the half way line stream and 8 players from Team Bakerloo and 7 players from Team Piccadilly on the other side of the half way line stream.

In the new new Croke Park, the canal which is currently under the Canal End could function as the new half way line with half the new new stadium being constructed on the far side of the canal.