Major Boosts to the Irish Economy

@Mac @Juhniallio @padjo @TheUlteriorMotive

Economy has grown 3.4 per cent this year.

Leo. Leo. Leo.

Incredible :eek:

Eamonn Eamonn Eamonn

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We’ve grown the economy despite having to pay everyone to sit at home all year making banana bread It’s a Christmas miracle!

Paschal Paschal Paschal

So the magic money tree works? SF were right all along


Meanwhile our nearest neighbours economy contracts by 11%, terrible to see really but shur that’s the way it goes

The productive WFH sector driving the nation :muscle:


That’s almost unbelievable

I just pulled my first all nighter working in years. The boom is back baby.

I am still seething.


Those PowerPoints won’t update themselves

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You are all very welcome

We’re quite clearly seeing a K shaped recovery here. The WFH crew are fine but those in the service industries are absolutely fucked. I worry about the next five years and a deepening division between those who are fine and those who are fucked.

What were the numbers for that GDP or GNI where they strip out the leprechaun economics numbers?


I’ve had to postpone my Reformer Pilates class.

We’re back baby.

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I think that division has been there for a while it’s just gonna become apparent to people.

Mary-Lou, Mary-Lou, Mary–Lou

Nah doesn’t have the same ring to it

And the exam results have improved dramatically despite children not being taught anything. The only thing that hasn’t given a flying frig about government intervention is the flu…which arrives in the winter and goes away in the summer

The ESRI report unsurprisingly shows a clear pattern of winners and losers. It’s not just Tech and Big pharma doing well

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You are spot on there. Add in the ongoing housing crisis and those who are fucked are even more fucked.

It’s going to need a lot of what would previously have been considered socialism to keep things on an even keel.