Man united 1998/1999

@Rocko @Bandage @Big_Dan_Campbell and anybody else over the age of 40 that likes soccer.

How were united treble winning teams viewed at time? Hard to believe they won the final without Keane and scholes.

Butt and Beckham played midfield.

They were blessed to win the final against Munich, obviously.

Probably one of the most naturally balanced sides ever assembled.

4 of the best strikers on a squad ever I’d say. A terrific team

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Really? I never knew Irwin played a bit at right back.

Of all fergies mistakes jaap stam must be the biggest.

Lucky by ABUs, legends by United fans.
Bayern should’ve beaten them in the CL Final, Arsenal missed a last minute penalty in the FA Cup Semi-Final replay after Roy Keane was sent off. Spurs went 1-0 up at OT in the last game of the season with Utd needing a win to clinch the title.
Bloody mindedness won that treble, 2-0 down in Turin, pretty sure they scored two late on in a come back win against Liverpool in the FA Cup as well.
They were a great team and easy on the eye, Yorke, Cole, Sheringham & Solksjaer was a great front 4. Keane, Scholes, Beckham, Giggs. Stam centre half, Schemeicel in goal.

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Irwin was left full. Gary Neville was right full.

Na but before that Irwin played right full.

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Irwin was comfortable either side. Phil Neville could play either side, or in the middle

Their achievements had them rated far higher in hindsight than they were at time. Most united fans would have thought they weren’t a patch on the 94 team. They built momentum as the season went on could easily have ended up winning nothing and were blessed/dogged to win loads of games. Likes if johnsen butt the nevilles blomqvist would not have been highly rated definitely by opposition fans.

Irwin was a cunt.

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Nicky Butt was a terrific player.

Irwin very rarely played right full. It was Paul Parker before neville

Ferguson picked him ahead of Scholes in alot of European away games.

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Was stam unreal then? I kind of remember him being brilliant for Milan.

Scholes couldn’t tackle. In games where you know you aren’t going to have a lot of the ball, youd be guaranteed butt would go box to box and contribute. Very underrated

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Yeah Scholes rep increased massively as his career went on.

He was, unfortunately his book wasnt though.

Stam was head and shoulders the best centre half in the world

I’d say he got a lot of criticism too. Never the universal acclaim vvd gets. Rio and vidic are seen as the gold standard now but there were plenty thought they were shit all through their careers. The dunphys and people he influences of this world.

Ronny Johnsen was hugely underrated .