Man Utd - A disgraceful success

Ok need for the agression.we get had a horrible childhood

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Back in the day when Man U was owned and run by a local butcher, the club had a moral compass and non-compliance with the 7th Commandment was a very serious state of affairs. Just look what happened to Tommy Docherty.

In any case, De Gea enjoys the presumption of innocence. I’ll certainly be affording him that. I’m surprised that a,Man U fan like yourself has already acted as judge, jury and executioner.

Wait, was he involved in a child porn ring or not?

Keep avoiding the question.

There’s an allegation that he was. De Gea has denied it. Presumably its in the hands of the gendarmes now and if it appears that there is a case to answer it will be over the justice system.

If you feel that adultery with your brother’s wife is okay, that’s your prerogative.

I was asking about applecrumbled?

If his comments in the last half hour or so are anything to go by, he has a very low set of moral values. In fairness to him, I don’t believe he said he was personally into or involved in a child porn ring.

Cat got your tongue @dodgy_keeper ?

I never once that but I wouldn’t compare it to child porn. You absolute sicko.

I made no comparison between adultery and child pornography.

Both are reprehensible, the latter far more serious though.

I’m glad you clarified that.

There was nothing to clarify. What I posted was crystal clear without any ambiguity.

Even tho it was child sex trafficking?

Was it?

Have you not read Geoff’s posts? Yes, it was.

Alleged child sex trafficking.

I haven’t seen or read anything about child trafficking, a disgusting slur by jeff. Wikipedia is notorious for incorrect information though.

That’s what’s been reported from all corners of the British media. As I’ve consistently said from the outset though, these are only allegations of child trafficking. Let the relevant police forces do their job now and determine whether or not there’s a case to answer.