Manchester United 2022/23 - The Reign of ETH

Classic example of a player that needs to face the play. Can’t really receive the ball and turn and opposition know it.

United need to buy 2 midfielders that can do this, its why he is so set on Frenkie. All the top teams have them.

I’d very much doubt that’s the Glazers decision. I’d strongly suspect they don’t know who this Garner lad is.


He won Portugal a euros from the sideline

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The glazers are still signing off on all the deals. They pulled the plug on martial being sold a few times.

Absolutely. I’m sure Mendes would most certainly have tbe best interests of the club are heart also. And Shur, they’ve tried everyone else, why not let him have it til end o season?

How deluded are you.

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I have it on good authority that Harry Maguire is an asshole off the pitch.

Mendes want CR7 to leave. Offer to cancel his contract and let him offer his services to any Champions League club. They win’t have to pay a transfer fee and he can seek less aages if it means he’ll have the chance to preserve his position as top scorer.

Ask Mendes to arrange potential options at 6 and up front in line with ETHs requirements.

I’m sure Mendes wouldnt say no to three sets of fees and keeping his most important client happy.

It’s not going to get any better until they dump Ronaldo and any other trouble makers. Do it publicly also, they need to show the rest of the squad that nobody is bigger than the team. Put the arm around the shoulders of the rest of them then, build a team spirit.

The majority of these lads are terrified to put a foot wrong with Ronaldo regularly throwing his toys out of the pram and questioning the training. If his behaviour is tolerated this sets the tone for the rest of the squad.

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Sack Ten Fags, give it Ronaldo

The thing is that Ronaldo wants to go. But nobody wants to pay for him, or even pay his wages.

Are they just going to terminate his contract?

That rumour is doing the rounds.

Simeone wants him at Atletico apparently.

If they want to mend things with the squad and that’s what it takes then that’s what they’ll have to do. At the moment he’s poison and they’re at nothing until they get rid of him.

The PR and commercial people probably won’t let that happen but the issues will continue until they do. In truth Ole was doing OK until they brought Ronaldo in. Since then they’ve spiralled

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The Utd fans sense of entitlement is staggering. You’ll know all about Championship level the way you’re going. Garner is better than 90% of the players who have played for Utd so far this season.
I do agree the best thing for him is to get away from such a toxic enviroment, Utd are a pathetic excuse for a football club at this point

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I love Ralph.

The online mob of Top Reds™ demanded Ronaldo be ANNOUNCED.

And they got their wish, because that’s how Manchester United works now.

Obviously the sensible thing to do would be to terminate his contract or even just straight up pay it off - whatever it takes - but nobody at Manchester United has the balls to do that.

There was literally nothing about ronaldo signing until the deal was done.

You are just making things up.

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Sid only deals in FACTS mate. And he’s happy to make up whichever ones he wants.


You spend way too much time on the INTERNET

The real issue at Utd is not the owners or Ronaldo or even their shite team. It’s their deluded entited fanbase that are the real problem