Manchester United 2024-2025

Doubt Celtic could afford this fella

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Agent went all in on a bluff and got called.


The same was said of Phil Jones in 2011 as well iirc.

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This Yoro lad reminds me a lot of Big Virgil. He has all the tools to develop into a top class centre half. The only caveat is that like Sancho he made need to move to a club that can develop players

2 years at united would prepare him for anything he could expect to handle at a top Club.

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He’ll certainly be able for the racism he’ll encounter in Spain after two years at the Red Devils.

They love to give their centre halves dogs abuse. Just ask poor Harry.

Madrid were offering about a third of what Yanited did :open_mouth:


Is this like the time they had bid high to ensure they got me fella the woman beater from Ajax?


Red Devils are offering 200k a week wages too. Hard for any young lad at 18 to turn down 10 million a year.

If he works out Real Madrid will take him in 3 years I suppose for a hundert million.

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Ah no. That deal stunk.

I do think this lad is top class. A lot of money for a 18 year old but they should make a profit when he goes to Madrid in a few years.


Yoro is a top class 18 year old prospect. Liverpool couldn’t afford the wages and transfer fee unfortunately that the Red Devils can throw around.

I’d say in five years he’ll be as good as VVD.

The collective meltdown by the murders posters on this thread will tell you how good he is.


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He’d want to be. Virgil will be 38 then


Plus 50m in wages

120m for an 18 year old from Lille is big bidniz from Sir Jim. The redundancies will cover about three days of his wages.

What wages was Thiago on


Are the Red Devils laptop gurus using a Commodore 64?

It’s almost as if a defender in a team near the foot of the table would have more defending to do in a season