Manchester United 21/22

Signing out. Apologies to Man U fans if I put a hex on them throwing my lot in with them today.

@peddlerscross, how will the boss take that result mate?

In the words of a poster on Red Cafe, Manchester City should be charged for fucking a corpse.

A David Fuller-like performance.

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With each passing year the boss’ brilliance is becoming more and more apparent. Just 7 league titles outside of the Alex Ferguson inspired 20 year glory period. Probably reverting back to the norm these days.

He’s doing a great job ringfencing his legacy by rattling around like Banquo’s ghost

He’s more Lady MacBeth.

Only 1.11 goals in it on the xg front. Ole was unlucky.

How many did Liverpool win outside their 20 year golden period mate?

In life, sometimes you’ve got noisy neighbours.

You’ve just got to turn your own music up that bit louder which I’m sure the boss will do tonight.

Stretford End are shouting for Keano. He’s the only one who can save things. He’d fuck Ferguson out on the fucking road.


Hopefully his ear drums burst


8 I’d say. Think there was 11 in 17 years. Must have been a great time to be a red. The Ratoath Inn would have been hoping during that period with lads rocking perms and tashes. A few of the current Ratoath Inn crew probably conceived during some of those glorious nights.

I suppose Liverpool had 4 different managers during that period though and weren’t reliant on the brilliance of one managerial mastermind.

The knowledgeable Stretford End supporters backing Ole. Its only the likes if Praveen in Mumbai and Amari in Addis Ababa that want Ole out

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A hell of a lot of explaining done there

And tommy in toomevara


I’d be curious to see how many touches Sancho had after he came on. Very few I would think.

Further proof that Ferguson only ever cared about ferguson. united merely a vessel for his ego. Big Ron wouldn’t have done this.

And Bruidhean in Bruree now by the looks of things as well.


Eric Bailly could be Manchester United’s Paul Warhurst.

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