Manchester United Football Club 20/21

Terrible calls by ole tonight. No chance of topping the group tonight.

Great stuff from Neymar.

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Ole is one brainless manager.

I must say I like the fecker

A great panto villain


Neymar has been outstanding

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So naive.

I struggle to think of a team and club I despise more by PSG.

Why ???

If he was in the job a wet day and was making those mistakes it wouldn’t be good enough.

I’d say everyone could see this red card apart from the United manager and his coaching staff.

According to Niall Quinn, Ole needs a number two to point this stuff out to him

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I find a good shite always focuses the mind.

You wouldn’t need to be experienced or in management too long spot the issue there tonight.

If he needs help in making those calls he is walking himself out the door. It was panic station stuff in the end when he brought Igahlo on.

Harry Maguire for the last goal. Falls on his arse near the sideline in the PSG half. Runs back 80 yards and falls on his arse. :smiley::smiley:

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Leipzig need a win so United will carve them apart on the counter. Only real damage done is a missed opportunity to rest players

And to win the group

3rd goal means we can’t win the group.

No group winners to fear, bar Bayern.

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Because I despise them. A lot.

Always had a soft spot myself for PSG. Dates back to Ossie Ardiles going on a season loan there in 1982/83 after the Falklands War.

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Just watched it, jaysus. 1 million per yard too