Manchester United Football Club 20/21

If you post regularly on here then youā€™re a loser on real life. Thatā€™s a well known fact

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Sorry pal. Youā€™re not bland enough.

Donny is savage. People will know after today.

Ole has picked his moment perfectly here.

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Klopp looks mentally shattered.

Confidence is like a small flower.

Heā€™s a mess lads. This is unsettling to watch.

Whatā€™s he saying pal? Iā€™m watching Peppa Pig at the moment

Heā€™s angsty, snapping at the young lady reporter, raving about flowers and frozen ground. Heā€™s suffering a breakdown.

You hate to see it. Some lads on the INTERNET have upset him greatly.

He needs to find his way back to peace :pray:

Shearer bored shitless already, yawning away on camera

What the fuck is on this Williams cunts head?

Between this and @Copper_pipe being ordered to stop leaking teams itā€™s clear thereā€™s a Cambridge Analytica style internet campaign to get Oleā€™s charges back to the top. This seems even more organised than the Limerick internet omerta of 2018.

Ole exuding extreme calm here.

And yet again slots in a reference to 1999 :rofl:

Lack of a home crowd should result in a comfortable away win in this one.
It will be shown today why Ole doesnā€™t fancy VDB.

Got no word today :frowning:

Why did he buy him then?

Itā€™s been established on TFK this morning that fans make no difference.

Shearer despises Pogba. He canā€™t even try to hide it.

I will only get the second half palā€¦but will do.

This is going to be a slaughter. United by 3 or 4

What the fuck are Liverpool doing wearing sky blue