Manchester United Football Club 20/21

Boards is just a load of people with similar interests looking for an echo chamber where they can agree with each other politely all the time.
TFK is a board full of headers violently disagreeing with each other for the sake of it, even if they donā€™t believe a word of what they are saying.
Needless to say TFK is much better craic


I didnt bother me bollix getting into it further with himā€¦ Day trippers and corporate gigs with little interest make up a few thousand on any given match day - not to mind the thousands that go to nearly every homeā€¦ but shur, you have to give him 10/10.

:smiley: :smiley:


and that was with a polite @Thomas_Brady. Iā€™d say they could smell the TFK off him

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Youā€™d want to be some self righteous cunt to be a moderator over there (cc @Turenne)

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We need an Away Day lads.

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tool up

Iā€™ve tried but I donā€™t have sufficient access to post on that page :grimacing:

You need 50 posts to post in the soccer section over there (even boards call it soccer) but we could have a clatter of lads tip away with the odd post on different topics over there while we concoct a plan.


you certainly triggered poor auld Conor there. :slight_smile:

WTF did you get the ban for? They are a right bunch of fannies over there. They wouldnā€™t last a minute playing senior hurling over here.

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Is that @Thomas_Brady standing at the door?

anyone remember when lads posting on here went over there crying about facehop

Iā€™m in.

At least I took my medicine on here (might have even gotten a few nice posts over it)

Nothing I havent said on here, Francis.


You can just sense the inner cunt itching to get out

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