Manchester United Football Club 20/21

This is the sort of delusion that makes winding up Liverpool fans so fun. Liverpool’s wage bill is the 5th highest on the planet. That didn’t happen over night. They have invested 100s of millions over the last few seasons breaking the world record transfer fee regularly. They finally won a very weak league in June of this year but Liverpool fans simply can seem to accept they’ve spent huge sums of money to Buy pretty much every player in their first team squad.

I thought Liverpool fans would enjoy winning the league a lot more.

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Liverpool are the best at everything. Their players play for the club, not for money. Klopp was actually born on the field at Anfield. Ye’re whole squad are actually scouse and they give all their money back to the club. The money is only resting in the agents accounts. Transfers are done ethically and nobody ever died going to watch a liverpool match, that was someone else’s fault



You’re the one getting wound up. Quoting agents fees :grinning:

Shall we go further down the P&L and compare expenditure on photocopier paper and oven cleaner

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It’s bizarre … He tries to wind up Liverpool fans and when they admit jealously over utd’s ability to throw billions at it he goes into meltdown mode.

I’m merely pointing out Liverpool could have signed the player in question if they hadn’t shelved out 40 million to agents without even signing a player.

It’s no wonder Liverpool have no money. I’d give it 6 months before Klopp gets the fuck out of there. He’s smart enough to know it was a weak league they won.

You must know the same few Liverpool fans as I do?! They have very very strong links to Ireland too you know? They’re basically an Irish Club. Not a plastic club like Man Utd, no sir.

Go hang a few gays or behead a few adulterers you …

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Shur it was founded by an Orangeman apparently - How more Irish can you get?

cc @Faldo

As orange as you can get🙈


My corporation is better than your corporation


Liverpool fans tend to be very zealous.

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Was he involved in football before Liverpool?


Burning crosses I think

Is that what Everton were up to? ---- Why did he fall out with the rest of his mates on the Everton board, rent was it?

Gas cunts.

No, because he was an orange bastard…


Everton couldn’t pay the rent for Anfield as they overspent on agents fees iirc