Manchester United Football Club 20/21

Mbappe :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I agree. Not officer class

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Rashford, Greenwood and Mbappe up front would be unreal.


Pogba and Martial for MBappe?

Pogba and de gea maybe.

Very racist post

Probably heard from Cavaniā€™s agent about the sweet sweet agent fees on offer :eyes:


Ah here mate. One far flung British team scores against another, and youā€™re tagging me. Have you considered getting a hobby?

Are the stars are aligning for United this year @BruidheanChaorthainn?

Liverpool decimated by injury, Man City in transition, Spurs being Spurs and Chelsea not there yet

Iā€™d be thinking if they had 20 points after 10 games or so theyā€™d have a good chance. Itā€™s a very weak league again this year and wide open. I think itā€™s PSG, Arsenal, leipzig, Chelsea and PSG again in the next 5 games so a tricky run.

Iā€™ve been a big supporter of oles and firmly believed he deserves time. Heā€™s gotten that now and itā€™s time to kick on. Pogba needs to be kept on the bench. De gea has to be close to it at this stage as well. Hopefully he doesnā€™t shy away from the big calls anyway.

I wouldnā€™t be shocked if city walked it. I said last month Dias is a class act and could transform city. Pep has made good defenders look like clowns before but I canā€™t see it happening with Diaz. If they have him and Laporte fully fit theyā€™ll be tough to catch in my opinion. I think both Manchester clubs have been hindered by having no pre season. Some people read a lot into the first few games but I didnā€™t. Iā€™ve a feeling if city are on top around Christmas they could absolutely walk it.

It could go either way for City but I think you could be right. If they manage to win 4 or 5 games on the trot now theyā€™ll build up some serious momentum. Iā€™d rule Liverpool out already

Yes Iā€™d imagine city will only improve anyway. I havenā€™t looked too much at Liverpool but I donā€™t get why so many people are raving about Thiago. His style isnā€™t suited to Liverpoolā€™s so I donā€™t think heā€™ll improve them.

When things started to go wrong at Dortmund klopp completely imploded. I wouldnā€™t be shocked if they start getting piles of injuries. They win games by out running opponents. That can only last so long before it catches up physically with players.

That Dias lad is indeed class, MOTM in the Nations League final. High level form.

United shouldve been in for him themselves. Was superb against MBappe for Portugal the other night too.

Heā€™s brilliant alright. Yep looked a no brainer and fairly cheap in todayā€™s market.

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Thiago has been very good so far and I think his introduction suggests Klopp is trying to evolve the way Liverpool play, this was evident on Saturday against Everton. However a mental breakdown is just around the corner at any stage as we saw against Aston Villa and with VVD and Allison missing this is more and more likely.

Do you think United will get Mbappe? Heā€™ll have to leave PSG at some stage soon

Thiago is a two touch player. The likes of Robinson and Henderson are Just runners. I donā€™t think their styles of play will work. Heā€™d want to be signing 3 or 4 similar types to Thiago for him to really influence the side.

Mbappe has told PSG he is leaving and only has 18 months left to run on his deal. Heā€™ll be available this summer and fairly cheaply too.

What exactly do you mean by both Manchester clubs not having a pre season? After their advanced runs in the European competitions, the league gave them 30 days off from elimination there until their first league game. The other 18 clubs had just over a week longer. Liverpool and Arsenal actually had less time off as they had to play the Community Shield two weeks before the start of the league season.

Players like Mbappe donā€™t go to English teams