Manchester United Football Club Thread 2019/20

You’re a very sensitive soul, all he did was correct you. Take heed and learn.


Apology accepted.

I can’t stand bullies and horrible people. I’d do my best to try and get on everyone no matter the cost.

You absolute liar. You were a horrible prick towards @backinatracksuit and even admitted so at one stage under one of your logins. You’re the bully around here


Tracksuit continually tried to insinuate I lost money and property belonging to my father who was ill at the times. I’d no issue with tracksuit up until this point.

He’s bullied me for years about a difficult period I had in my professional life. I still always try and see the best in him.


People aren’t bullying you, they’re trying to help you better yourself by explaining how you get things so horribly wrong.


In your hour of need a few years back I was one of the first people to post and try pick you up. Just like I would for anybody else that I thought was a decent person.

But I was right. We’d numerous fellas have a meltdown after I suggested the man united team cost 300 million. Eventually the fella who done the most posting about it done the sums and concluded I was right.

I was never in need. Just wanted to seek out a few like-minded people to use as a soundboard. We have a lot of successful BUSINESSmen here.

You were out by 20%. Unless you work in the public sector this is way off.

It sounded like a cry for help. If I misunderstood it that’s fine but I wouldn’t see you sad. At beginning I thought you were a decent fella.

You have to take your hat off to @anon60384913 all the same, for hanging around to face the music and stand up for his team. The fairweather fans like @dodgy_keeper, @Tassotti and @Horsebox have completely abandoned United in their hour of need


Being at a low ebb is part and parcel of sport. I probably haven’t enjoyed supporting man united more than the last twelve months. When it’s always the good times you don’t fully appreciate them. It’s no different to life really. You have to accept the highs and the lows.

7 different logins, multiple threats to leave the forum, 1 bizarre signature. All bow down to the master of cries for help! I’m here if you ever need to drop me a DM bud.

Be careful. You’ll be accused of bullying next

I would never ask for help as somebody as limited as you.

I just want to help. Be an e-friend y’know?

Have you been talking to my wife?

When did that all that allegedly occurs with @backinatracksuit? Can’t say I can recall it and you’re only around here a few weeks. 2 October 2019, I see you registered on.